If you are ready for an AMAZING website that has everything you need for your Unit or Area and presents your business in a professional manner while giving you the look you deserve (all without breaking your budget) then you have come to the right place!
Plans & Pricing

$100 One-Time Setup Fee

- Advanced Unit & Area recognition reports that are updated weekly or daily from InTouch
- Choice of 2 Trackers: Car, Top Director Trip, or Year-To-Date Retail (updated weekly)
- Ideal for Nationals and Directors with large units, who need custom updates more often.
- Once-A-Week Scheduled Update Days
- Most update requests completed within 1-2 business days (see our InstaDocs Policy for more information)
- Includes Autopages full of material that is curated and updated by the QT Office team

$100 One-Time Setup Fee

- Standard Unit Recognition reports updated DAILY from InTouch:
Career Path (with photos), Star Consultants (with photos), New Unit Members, Queens Court of Sales & Sharing (with photos), Birthdays & Anniversaries, updated daily - Choice of 2 Trackers: Car, Top Director Trip, or Year-To-Date Retail (updated bi-weekly)
- Twice-A-Month Scheduled Update Days
- Most update requests completed within 1-2 business days (see our InstaDocs Policy for more information)
- Includes Autopages full of material that is curated and updated by the QT Office team

$100 One-Time Setup Fee

- Standard Unit Recognition reports updated DAILY from InTouch:
Career Path (with photos), Star Consultants (with photos), New Unit Members, Queens Court of Sales & Sharing (with photos), Birthdays & Anniversaries, updated daily - Choice of 1 Tracker: Car, Top Director Trip or Year-To-Date Retail (updated monthly)
- Once-A-Month Scheduled Update Days
- Most update requests completed within 1-2 business days (see our InstaDocs Policy for more information)
- Includes Autopages full of material that is curated and updated by the QT Office team

$100 One-Time Setup Fee

- Once your website is designed and set up, you will have access to our website building tools to maintain your own website content!
- Includes Autopages full of material that is curated and updated by the QT Office team
- This is a great option for a Director with an in-office assistant that will be maintaining the website.

$100 One-Time Setup Fee

- Once your website is designed and set up, it will remain a static resource site for your Unit!
- Includes Autopages full of material that is curated and updated by the QT Office team
- Any time you need items added or removed from your site, a la carte prices will apply.
- This plan does not feature any special recognition reports.

No Setup Fee
You will have access to our website builder to design and build your own website from scratch!
Below is a list of the most popular website features available on our plans.

Custom Banner and Website Design

Each QT unit website is unique, custom designed with input from you! Choose from a wide array of fonts and backgrounds, as well as colors and imagery specific to your unit or area! After we have pinned down the perfect design for you, we will create custom headers for your pages. And that’s not all—we know that you and your unit grow and change over time, so that’s why we offer a free website redesign on your yearly QT Website/App Anniversary! That’s right, every year on the month anniversary of your website/app signup with QT Office, we offer a makeover for your site, free of charge. This redesign includes a new background, banner, and design accents like page headers. Custom Banner and Website Design is available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold plans!

Custom Domain Name

When you sign up for a website with QT Office, we will purchase and maintain a custom website domain for you. During signup, we will ask for your top three domain name ideas. We ask for your top three just in case any are taken, which does sometimes happen, so it’s always good to have alternatives in mind. If you leave QT Office and request a domain transfer from us, we will gladly help organize the domain transfer to a new owner. Once you cancel your website with us, we will not renew our ownership of the website domain name for you. Custom Domain names are available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold plans!


At QT, we understand that Directors and Nationals don’t always need to add new content to their website, but when they do, they need it done ASAP! That’s why we provide InstaDocs. This is the term that we use to categorize the types of things we can do for our clients within 1-2 business days! You’ll find that your most common website needs fall underneath this category. Adding/removing contest flyers, event flyers, file replacements, training documents, audio/video files, ready-made photo collages, plain text changes, consultant/director photo submissions, headshot updates, and password customizations are all InstaDoc qualified! Once you email us with the request and all related files, we can update your site within 1-2 business days--for free! We proudly offer our Instadoc and Update Day policies as an alternative to the headache and financial drain of microtransactions! InstaDocs is available as a feature on our Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website maintenance plans.
Click here for more detailed information about our InstaDocs Policy

Update Days & Advanced Site Customization

Your Update Day is the scheduled day(s) of the month that our office sets aside time to make advanced updates and changes to your website. Advanced updates and changes include things like new page creation, creating a photo gallery slideshow, creating/maintaining custom forms/registrations, and any necessary design accents (like custom page headers). We also update trackers, unit/area charts, and on-target Grand Achiever and Director debut recognition on Update Days. Depending on your maintenance plan, this day can include other report updates as well. We proudly offer our Instadoc and Update Day policies as an alternative to the headache and financial drain of microtransactions! Update Days are features of our Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website maintenance plans.

Grand Achiever, DIQ, and New Director Debut Recognition from InTouch

We display special recognition banners for those consultants who are on-target Grand Achievers, DIQs, or those who have recently debuted as a new director! This recognition is shown on the homepage. We pull this information as it is shown in InTouch!

Online Form Creation & Maintenance

Form Creation is a feature we offer to our website clients. We can create/maintain forms on scheduled Update Days! These forms can be for anything from a survey to an event registration where payment is required. Our forms can be linked to paypal and can be embedded in a webpage. In addition, we can offer downloadable excel files of updated submissions. At this time, we are unable to offer Google Integration for our forms. Online Forms are available as an Update Day Only feature on our Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website plans!

Standard Unit Recognition from InTouch

Showcase your unit’s achievements! On qualified website maintenance plans, we maintain your Career Path (with photos), New Unit Members, Star Consultants (with photos), Queens Court of Sales & Sharing (with photos), and Birthdays & Anniversaries reports. These reports are updated DAILY and display your reports exactly as they are shown in InTouch. Standard Unit Recognition is available on our Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website maintenance plans.

Unit Car, Retail Goal, and Director Trip Trackers

Show off your progress! We offer beautiful trackers for your car, unit seminar retail, and director trip goals. We have Grand Achiever, Premiere Club, and Cadillac car trackers. We have $200k, $300k, $400k, $500k, $650k, and $1 Million seminar retail trackers. Finally, we also have trackers for the annual Top Director ($650k) and Prestige Trips ($800k). Our trackers are updated from InTouch every Update Day. These trackers are optional and can be switched out, added, or removed on your scheduled Update Days. One tracker is available on our Silver maintenance plan. Two trackers (one of each!) are available on our Silver+ and Gold plans! We do not offer custom tracker goals at this time.

Advanced Unit & Area Recognition from InTouch

Recognition for Directors with large units or those that are actively building to a national area! This advanced recognition is also wonderful for Nationals who seek to recognize directors, consultants, and unit members who are excelling. Our Advanced Unit & Area Recognition packages includes up to 15 reports that can be pulled from a single InTouch. This can include Unit and Area Queens, Unit and Area Celebrations, and Standard Unit Recognition (Career Path, New Unit Members, and Star Consultants). Some of our most popular advanced reports are Area Career Path, Car Driving Directors, Top 10 Unit Wholesale, Month-End Reports, and New Sales Director Historical Reports. Our Advanced Unit & Area Recognition from InTouch is available on our Gold maintenance plan.

I Earned a Prize

I Earned a Prize is a multi-purpose survey page. Use this page with your consultants to stay connected and reward them for their achievements! When you are running contests for your unit, direct them to this page and they can fill out a simple form and give you information about the challenge they completed! The results will be sent to your email address, giving you a fast and easy way to get a record of their progress. This feature is available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website plans.

Career Opportunity

Career Opportunity is one of our six autopages that we provide on our website plans! This page offers great information to new consultants or to those who are considering joining your unit! It’s available on our Horizontal menu bar, so even if the rest of your website is password protected, it is still easily accessible for a potential new unit members. It includes a Career Opportunity Slideshow, iStory videos from real consultants, directors, and NSDs, as well as a Career Opportunity survey (the results are sent to you!). This page is customizable and available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold plans.

Training Center

The QT Training Center is one of our six autopages that we provide on our website plans! Our Training Center is a thorough database updated and maintained by our staff. It includes content for the following categories:
Attitude (Inspiration affirmation for you and recruits)
Booking (Booking tips, scripts, gift certificates, trackers, and bubble sheets)
Bridal (Checklists, gift certificates, and tips)
Christmas (Selling tools, action plans, etc—available all year round)
Coaching (Tips, training, etc)
DISC Personality Styles (Training, surveys, and information)
Español/Spanish (featuring Spanish pages: Avance, Certificados de Regalo, Estilos de Personalidad, Invites, Navidad, Nucipal, Reserva, Seguimiento, and Venta).
Facial in a Bag (facial set flyers, model guides, surveys)
Gift Certificates (gift certificates for general use featuring an array products)
Glamour (videos from Celebrity Make-up Artist Robert Jones, placemats, portfolios, makeover charts and guides)
Goal Setting (worksheets, guides, instructions)
Husbands Corner (advice, testimonials, information)
Image and Etiquette (advice, instruction, checklists)
Invitations (invitations for all occasions, including but not limited to popular themes like Before & After Makeovers, T.A.C.O Night, Grand Openings, and Ribbon Cuttings)
Million Dollar Message (information about the popular Million Dollar Message conference calls)
Money Management (information about finances and expense tracking, worksheets)
New Leads (Booking ideas, scripts, networking, surveys)
Selling (ideas, games, challenges, prizes, tips)
Skincare Class (videos, set sheets, closing sheets, placemats, guides, 10 Week Show)
Team Building (audio files, startup kit and guides, Why Wash Your Face with Mary Kay®, tips, motivation, questionnaires, following up advice)
Time Management (action plans, videos, worksheets, guides, Weekly Plans)
TimeWise Repair® (videos, flyers, coupons, instructions, workshops)
Tracking (trackers for career path, cars, classes, other goals)

New Consultants Page

The New Consultants page is one that we offer by default to our directors. If you have a plan for your new recruits, we will help you build this page to match your needs! We can also offer our default New Consultants page, which includes the three class P’s: Product on Hand, Power Start, and Pearls of Sharing! Videos, Inventory Brochures, and other training documents are included! Available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold plans!

Auto Homepage

The Auto Homepage is one of our six autopages that we provide for our website plans! It’s designed to keep you and your consultants updated with new event and company information from InTouch! Company promoted contests, events like Seminar, and season product collections are just a few examples of what you can find on the Auto Homepage. The Auto Homepage is available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website plans! It is not customizable; you can add any personal information above or below the Auto Homepage.

Seasonal Selling

Seasonal Selling is one of our six autopages that we provide on our website plans! It is maintained by us and includes event/selling ideas for current and upcoming holidays and seasons! Spanish translations are available for selected items. This page is not customizable and is available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website plans.

Company Contests

Company Contests is one of our six autopages that we provide on our website plans! On Company Contests, we offer a list of Mary Kay®-run contests for both Consultants and Directors. Company promotions, Star Consultant Program prizes, trackers for Queens Courts and New Director trackers and prizes are examples of items you will find on the Company Contests page. This page is not customizable. This feature is available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website plans.

Committed Tracking

Committed Tracking is one of our six autopages that we provide on our website plans! On Committed Tracking, we offer printable and online tracking sheets that are suggested activates for aspiring Star Consultants, Red Jackets, and Directors! It is a great way for a consultant to see if her activity is matching her goals. All online submissions will be sent to your email address. This page is customizable! This feature is available on our Basic, Bronze, Silver, Silver Plus, and Gold website plans.