QT Office® Manager has been designed specifically to help the Mary Kay® sales force get the most out of their businesses by getting more done in less time. We do this by giving you the tools you need to run your business from your computer, laptop, iPad (or other tablet devices) and even you smartphone.
If you're still writing out paper sales slips, still digging through a shoe box at the end of the year to finish your taxes or still tied to a desktop based software program that does not travel with you then it's time you found out what QT Office® can do for you!

QT Office® Manager
30 Day Free Trial
- Manage your business from anywhere that you can access the Internet
- Track your Inventory levels to make sure you always have your favorite products in stock
- Import Orders directly from InTouch
- Keep in contact with your Customers and Team Members
- Take advantage of our Tax Report by tracking your Expenses throughout the year.
- Create Invoices and collect payment through ProPay

QT Office® knows that your customers are the heart of your business. Your sales come from your customers, your referrals come from your customers, your new team members most often come from your customers as well. Because of this, we know you need to take care of them. Here are a few of the ways that QT Office® can help.
* Import your customers directly from InTouch
* Create follow up reminders after you sell a product
* Create groups to organize your customers
* See who is active and inactive
* Easily view your customer's purchase history
* All of your sales information from your invoices will update your inventory, WAS report and Tax Report.
* Import your customers directly from InTouch
* Create follow up reminders after you sell a product
* Create groups to organize your customers
* See who is active and inactive
* Easily view your customer's purchase history
* All of your sales information from your invoices will update your inventory, WAS report and Tax Report.

Before a customer is a customer they are a contact (also called a lead). QT allows you to import all your contacts directly into QT from your email account. This way they are already in the system in case you need to turn them into a customer or team member. Two clicks is all it takes!
* Import contacts from most major email accounts
* Turn your contacts into customers or team members
* Create groups so you can track your contacts
* Import contacts from most major email accounts
* Turn your contacts into customers or team members
* Create groups so you can track your contacts

Your team is very important. They will be there when you need to borrow a product and you will be there when they need to do the same. QT Office® Manager can help!
* Create loaned and borrowed products with your team members
* Buy or sell your loaned product, or exchange them for other products.
* All loaned/borrowed and exchanged products are recorded for you on your end of year Tax Report.
* Create loaned and borrowed products with your team members
* Buy or sell your loaned product, or exchange them for other products.
* All loaned/borrowed and exchanged products are recorded for you on your end of year Tax Report.

Tracking and maintaining your inventory is vital to your business being successful. You will always want to know what is on your shelf in case one of your customers asks "do you have a (insert product name?)". You do not want to miss a sale because you did not have an item is stock. You will also want to know when your top selling products are getting low, and QT can help you there as well.
* Import your product orders directly from Mary Kay InTouch
* All of the Mary Kay® product names are in our system for you, so if you ever need to manually edit how many items you have in stock then all you have to do is change the number on hand.
* QT Office® updates all the Mary Kay® products. No CD's to download or updates to install
* When you create invoices, products that are sold are removed from your inventory
* A history of your sold products is automatically recorded
* When a product is returned (using a return invoice) that product is added back to your inventory
* QT can help you with re-orders. The Re-order items report can show you recently sold products (you choose the date range) or what you need to order to get back to the "don't fall below" quantities that you set in your inventory. This ensures that you keep the products you need in stock.
* Create and track gift certificates and coupons
* Track non-Mary Kay® inventory. This is helpful for tracking things like boxes bags or baskets that you purchased outside of InTouch
* Import your product orders directly from Mary Kay InTouch
* All of the Mary Kay® product names are in our system for you, so if you ever need to manually edit how many items you have in stock then all you have to do is change the number on hand.
* QT Office® updates all the Mary Kay® products. No CD's to download or updates to install
* When you create invoices, products that are sold are removed from your inventory
* A history of your sold products is automatically recorded
* When a product is returned (using a return invoice) that product is added back to your inventory
* QT can help you with re-orders. The Re-order items report can show you recently sold products (you choose the date range) or what you need to order to get back to the "don't fall below" quantities that you set in your inventory. This ensures that you keep the products you need in stock.
* Create and track gift certificates and coupons
* Track non-Mary Kay® inventory. This is helpful for tracking things like boxes bags or baskets that you purchased outside of InTouch

"A penny saved is a penny earned" is a true statement, and it's easy to lose a lot of pennies if you keep your tax receipts in a shoe box. With QT Office® Manager you can track your expenses like never before. No need for a spreadsheet! We have the categories you need to stay on top of everything and you can always add your own. The best part is that all of these expenses total for you at the end of the year on your Tax Report. We take into account profit and loss, your tax write-offs, extra incomes and other expenses. Just plug in your numbers and let QT do the math for you!
* The most common expense categories you need are already set up and ready for you to start using
* Add your own expense categories if you need them
* All expenses are automatically recorded on to your Tax Report and calculations are done for you
* You can also add incomes like commission checks that will calculate as well
* The most common expense categories you need are already set up and ready for you to start using
* Add your own expense categories if you need them
* All expenses are automatically recorded on to your Tax Report and calculations are done for you
* You can also add incomes like commission checks that will calculate as well

The invoices you create with QT Office® Manager will work hand-in-hand with your inventory. The sales invoices will remove products from your inventory and your returns and exchange invoices will add them back. You will be able to keep up with invoices that are paid or unpaid and have a history of every invoice you have ever created. This is MUCH better than trying to keep up with all those little sales slips. Your Weekly Accomplishment Sheet and Tax Report will be automatically filled out for you too!
* Track your paid, unpaid and partial paid invoices
* Have a history of every invoice you have ever created
* Make normal sale, tax write-off, return and exchange invoices
* Email your customers their sales reciepts or invoices
* Your invoices will work with with your inventory, WAS report and Tax Report so accounting is super easy
* Create discounts, give away Gift with Purchase items, etc.
* Set your default tax rate and set custom rates for individual customers.
* All the math is done for you so you do not have to calculate by hand.
* Track your paid, unpaid and partial paid invoices
* Have a history of every invoice you have ever created
* Make normal sale, tax write-off, return and exchange invoices
* Email your customers their sales reciepts or invoices
* Your invoices will work with with your inventory, WAS report and Tax Report so accounting is super easy
* Create discounts, give away Gift with Purchase items, etc.
* Set your default tax rate and set custom rates for individual customers.
* All the math is done for you so you do not have to calculate by hand.

Your calendar is integrated into your QT Office® Manager account. This means that when your customer has a birthday, an anniversary or you have an appointment or follow-up scheduled you can get an email reminder. We will send you one daily reminder first thing in the morning with all of your scheduled activities for the day.
*You will get a daily action plan of all the tasks, 6 Most Important Things, birthdays, anniversaries and appointments that you have scheduled for the day
* Your calendar is integrated with the rest of QT Office® Manager
*Quickly add new events or recurring events
*Color code your different event types
*Quickly see the follow ups you have scheduled for months in advance
*You will get a daily action plan of all the tasks, 6 Most Important Things, birthdays, anniversaries and appointments that you have scheduled for the day
* Your calendar is integrated with the rest of QT Office® Manager
*Quickly add new events or recurring events
*Color code your different event types
*Quickly see the follow ups you have scheduled for months in advance