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QT Office® Mobile has been specifically designed to work hand-in-hand with the desktop/ laptop versions of QT Office®. If you update one location, the other location updates at the same time. You never have to plug your phone into your computer or iPad to sync your information. It’s all taken care of for you in the cloud.

Please Note: If you are using QT Office® from an Ipad (or other tablet) then you can still use the full version from those devices. QT Office® Mobile is designed to be used from smartphones with screens smaller than a tablet.

Here are some of the features you can use right from your smartphone!

- Check your inventory levels

- Create an invoice

- Quickly add a customer

- Quickly add an expense

- Update your 6 most important things list

- Check your appointments or quickly add a new one.

and remember, we are cloud-based so you never have to manually sync your information because all data updates in real-time, and if you lose your phone then all your business data is still safe!
